Tell us below in the Comments section. Again, anyone can comment, just do it under "anonymous" if you don't have a Google Account.
I will get
Tahu Mistika
Gali Mistika
Onua Mistika
Takanuva x2
Jetrax T6
Axalara T9
This is your chance to see what others are choosing to buy, and help you decide if you don't know. This might not be a success, I don't know... I hope it is, though.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Friday, May 30, 2008
The Kingdom now Available on
Go to the Kanoka Club (you must have a Lego Account)
and use the code, SCL411 to unlock the downloadable story, The Kingdom!
and use the code, SCL411 to unlock the downloadable story, The Kingdom!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Well...Swamp of Secrets Spoilers, Anyone?
I got Swamp of Secrets two days ago and have been debating whether to show spoilers.
I'm not quite sure if it's okay by Bionicle, but as the book has actually been released, I guess it might be okay.
But, just in case, so you can't just come across these Swamp of Secrets spoilers, I'll post them one by one in the Comments section. If you really want to see them, then go there (to the Comments section)
I thought that Bionicle Legends 10: Swamp of Secrets didn't have as good battles as Shadows in the Sky, but I liked it a lot all the same. Probably better than Shadows in the Sky just because. I expect that the final book in the Legends series, Bionicle Legends 11: Final Battle, will be my favorite Bionicle book thus far.
So, head on over to the Comments section (found below this post) if you want to hear about some Swamp of Secrets spoilers.
I'm not quite sure if it's okay by Bionicle, but as the book has actually been released, I guess it might be okay.
But, just in case, so you can't just come across these Swamp of Secrets spoilers, I'll post them one by one in the Comments section. If you really want to see them, then go there (to the Comments section)
I thought that Bionicle Legends 10: Swamp of Secrets didn't have as good battles as Shadows in the Sky, but I liked it a lot all the same. Probably better than Shadows in the Sky just because. I expect that the final book in the Legends series, Bionicle Legends 11: Final Battle, will be my favorite Bionicle book thus far.
So, head on over to the Comments section (found below this post) if you want to hear about some Swamp of Secrets spoilers.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
From the Writer's Desk
(GregF's blog on BZPower)
Bionicle Legends #10 Web Code
Hey guys,
For those of you who bought Bionicle Legends #10 and wonder what the web code in the book will lead to -- it looks like it will be a new short story called "The Kingdom," which will take place between Bionicle Legends #10 and the first BIONICLE Level 3 reader. It will include how Takanuva lost the Staff of Light and got the Power Lance, and introduce you to the "Kingdom of the Great Spirit," the somewhat bizarre ruling council, and of course, the ruler of the kingdom -- Turaga Takanuva!
Should be up on the site early this week.
Hey guys,
Recently, in answer to a question, I had stated that Krakua was a MEMBER of the OOMN. This was a mistake on my part (unfortunately, with all the BIONICLE I write, sometimes I confuse things I thought about doing with what I actually did).
So, to make up for the confusion, I am going to give you guys a sneak preview of Bionicle Legends #11:
Divide and conquer, Pohatu thought as he piloted the Rockoh through a tight turn.
The Makuta forces had split up. Gorast and Vamprah had gone after Icarax; Krika had vanished; Mutran, too, was nowhere in sight; and as soon as he spotted Takanuva, Antroz had sent Bitil and Chirox after him. That left Antroz alone against Lewa, Pohatu and Kopaka.
Not that the Makuta seemed to mind. In full control of the Jetrax T6, he had darted around, over and through every obstacle Pohatu or Lewa had thrown in his way, and outpaced Kopaka with ease. Hitting and running, he had already done significant damage to the Rockoh.
Now Lewa was on Antroz’s tail in the Axalara T9. The Toa of Air was buffeting Antroz’s ship with gale-force winds in an effort to crash it into the forest of stone pillars created by Pohatu. Earlier, Antroz had used his magnetic power to send the Axalara into a spin, and only quick action by Pohatu had kept it from crashing into the swamp.
Antroz spotted the Rockoh and fired. The Jetrax’s Skyblasters hit their target, sending the Rockoh into a spin. Pohatu fought to right the ship, but it was headed for one of the stone pillars he had created. Quickly, he used his elemental power to shatter the rock before the ship collided with it.
Lewa banked to the left, trying to flank Antroz. The Axalara was a more powerful ship, but the Jetrax was faster. He needed to box Antroz in somehow.
Further behind, Kopaka had been working at the same thing. But every ice wall he threw up got blown to pieces by the Jetrax’s weapons or smashed by the vehicle itself. Every rain hail stones had been shrugged off by Antroz and bounced harmlessly off the Jetrax’s armored hull.
Pohatu was back in the fight now, and he was angry. Timing it just right, he made a hand of stone erupt out of the swamp and grab the Jetrax. Before Antroz could power it free, Pohatu hit the controls and pulled the Rockoh’s wings in for a dive. Firing as he flew, he raked the side of the Jetrax with bolts of energy.
Antroz jolted the craft free of the stone hand and wheeled in mid-air, firing at the Rockoh. When Pohatu dodged, Antroz used his gravity power to send the Toa’s ship plunging toward the swamp.
Lewa closed in, rocking the Jetrax with fire from the Axalara’s Skyblasters and shattering the Makuta’s concentration. Free of the increased pull of gravity, Pohatu managed to right his ship just as it skimmed the surface of the water.
Then it was Kopaka’s turn. He used his power to drop the temperature around the Jetrax hundreds of degrees in an instant, slowing down the vehicle’s engines and cutting its speed. Lewa and Pohatu closed in from both sides, ready to destroy the wounded craft.
Only Kopaka was close enough to see what happened next. Just as the two Toa vessels came in range, Antroz disappeared from the cockpit using his power to teleport. Acting quickly, Kopaka threw up ice barriers in front of the Axalara and the Rockoh, shouting, “Stop!”
Neither craft could turn in time, smashing into and through the ice. But the barriers had delayed them just long enough for Kopaka to climb behind the controls of the Jetrax. “All right,” said the Toa of Ice. “If this is the final battle, let’s make it one to remember.”
New Event
Doing another library event -- July 10th, 1 pm, Willimantic Public Library, Willimantic, CT.
Also, visit info for me will be posted on the site soon, so that schools and public libraries in the Northeast interested in having me come speak can find out how to make it happen.
2008 Video Faq
Many of you may have heard or read or even seen a video that popped up on and elsewhere recently that involved BIONICLE in general and summer 2008 in particular. So let me address some of the Q's you may have about it:
Q. What was it?
A. It was the first draft of what we call a "sell-in" video. That's a video we prepare to show buyers from dept. stores, Toys R Us, etc., to get them excited about BIONICLE for the year. It is not something shown to the public.
Q. So how did it get online?
A. Accidentally. We send electronic files of our TV commercials to Amazon to show on their site. Someone accidentally included the file of this video on the CD mailed to them.
Q. I noticed (fill in the blank) on the video -- does that mean ...?
A. This was a first cut -- it was not the final version of the video. Certain elements in the video shown on the web would have been cut from the final version, for reasons of time or because the content was no longer valid. So while there are certainly things in the video that would have been in the final version, not all of it is final and official.
Q. Now what?
A. Billund has taken steps to severely tighten up the process we use for these sell-in videos. They will not be stored in a totally separate area of the server and branded "Confidential" so this won't happen again.
Q. Can I still see it?
A. Amazon has taken the video down, and the other sites that had it up have either also done so or probably will have done so by the time you read this. As a reminder, BZP has banned any discussion of the video on this site.
Set News
A few pieces of news today --
1) I finally got a look at a pic of Mazeka today -- looks from the photo like he's an Onu-Matoran.
2) The Jan. 2009 sets are in our showroom now. Gotta say, very impressive. The new mask pieces are particularly cool shapes and the weaponry is slick too. On the whole, they manage to stay recognizably BIONICLE while still looking nicely different from past sets. I think the new pieces will probably be good for those who like to MOC, too. I will tell you up front, having only seen pics up to now, the pics do not do the sets justice. They are much more striking in person.
I am definitely inspired to do a Club building contest once those come out, to see what fans will build out of them.
3) 2010 story conference next week, so we can clear the decks and I can get moving on the screen treatment for 2010 movie.
4) I am going to be signing up for something on the Scholastic site where teachers and librarians can find authors to come speak at their schools/libraries. Not sure it will produce anything, but at least it will put me out there for folks who might want to do a BIONICLE event as they did in Coventry. So maybe there will be more school/library appearances in the Northeast in future, we'll see.
Thoughts on Dark Mirror
I must say, Dark Mirror has provoked some of the most interesting discussions and PMs I have seen in my time on here. It has been really interesting to see the reaction to the story, with Tuyet's Toa being branded as "evil" and "corrupt." And yet ... let's consider:
"Toa Tuyet announced today that the Brotherhood of Makuta poses a potential threat and should be eliminated before they threaten the peace of the universe."
"The leader of a major nation announced today that the country of Gazistan poses a potential threat to the peace of the Middle East, and preemptive strikes have been ordered against their military facilities."
"Matoran are being monitored, and anyone who speaks out in support of the Makuta or the Dark Hunters, or against Toa Tuyet, will be arrested and imprisoned."
"In the interests of national security, security cameras are being mounted in many public places, and telephone calls and email are being monitored for suspicious language."
"The Toa have learned the whereabouts of the dangerous Dark Hunters, a gang of criminals, and are moving in to smash their operations."
"The police have learned the whereabouts of the dangerous Daniels mob, a gang of criminals, and are moving in to smash their operations."
Would we brand the governments or police in the real world examples "evil and corrupt?" Or would we say they were trying to keep peace? I think the answer is different for everyone ... but it is important to remember just what Tuyet did. She took the basic core belief of the Toa -- that the Matoran must be protected -- and simply spun it that the best way to protect them was to smash potential enemies before they acted. The Makoki stone engravings prove the Toa had suspicions about the Makuta from early on, and the DH had a long history of immoral acts -- so how hard would it be to persuade Toa that they should be crushed? And can you argue that, despite all the negatives about Tuyet's society, Mata Nui is still awake there, and hundreds of Toa and thousands of Matoran who died in our universe, didn't die there?
I am not saying she was right, by any means -- but I think it important to understand the world of Dark Mirror. It is a world really governed by the fear of external enemies, the same as many societies in our world are. Instead of finding strength in fellowship, in prophecy, in the three virtues, these Toa and Matoran let fear and hatred drive their actions. The result was shattered Makuta and DH, but also Toa who then became repressive and dictatorial, all in the interests of protecting their people.
So the scary thing to me about DM is not Tuyet, or what happened to Brutaka or Toa Naho ... the scary part is that these Toa are not that far removed from the ones we know. The only real difference here is one of philosophy -- the Toa in DM act without provocation, the Toa in our universe normally wait for provocation and then react. The Toa in our universe wish to set an example and be looked at with respect, and so they don't stoop to the lethal level of their enemies; the Toa in DM believe that the best way to protect the Matoran from a foe is to kill that foe and don't care if they are looked at with fear. There are probably some Toa on Tuyet's side who aren't 100% comfortable with what they have become, but they look around and see a universe with no BOM and no real threat from the DH or anyone else, and so they do nothing.
Lesovikk is really the one who sees the slippery slope -- who understands that today it's Makuta who have to be wiped out, and tomorrow it's Turaga who object to new laws, and the day after it's Matoran who aren't working hard enough. Fear of enemies, real or imagined, can be used to justify any action, and often have been. Any of us can look back in our history and see instances where otherwise good people sat by and did nothing in the face of repression or even murder, because they believed the victims constituted some kind of threat.
So lots to think about in this story, at least for me ...
News and Notes
Just a few things today --
-- The event at the Booth-Dimock library in Coventry, CT next week is shaping up to be fun. For those of you who might want to attend, there is still time to register by phone. Just call the library at 860-742-7606.
-- Big week here. After only two weeks of searching, my wife and I bought a new house -- and it has room for all my comics and toys! Anyway, I will most likely be offline some during the first week of June as we move, but will keep you up to date on that.
2009 Book Info
Just talked to Scholastic today and got the current 2009 schedule --
It looks at this point like there will be a total of five books in 2009, three the young readers and two chapter books (potentially larger than the normal ones, but don't know yet) --
The readers would be out in January, April, and September, with the chapter books out in summer and fall. The hope is that between the buzz the readers are generating among the retailers (apparently, they are going to get into some big stores that the chapter books currently do not), the increasing sales of BIONICLE and the movie coming, and the chapter books being more of "event books", that chapter book sales will go up and we will be able to do a more extensive schedule of them in 2010. Scholastic does not want to abandon them, but sales continue to be in a trough for them, so right now the two is the best they can manage for the schedule.
I will still be doing them, but will probably also be spending some time on my own, non-LEGO writing, since the readers don't take much time to do.
These are all from Greg Farshtey, Bionicle writer.
Also, a bit of a spoiler for the top post.
If you don't have Swamp of Secrets, the exclusive web code is: SCL411.
Bionicle Legends #10 Web Code
Hey guys,
For those of you who bought Bionicle Legends #10 and wonder what the web code in the book will lead to -- it looks like it will be a new short story called "The Kingdom," which will take place between Bionicle Legends #10 and the first BIONICLE Level 3 reader. It will include how Takanuva lost the Staff of Light and got the Power Lance, and introduce you to the "Kingdom of the Great Spirit," the somewhat bizarre ruling council, and of course, the ruler of the kingdom -- Turaga Takanuva!
Should be up on the site early this week.
Hey guys,
Recently, in answer to a question, I had stated that Krakua was a MEMBER of the OOMN. This was a mistake on my part (unfortunately, with all the BIONICLE I write, sometimes I confuse things I thought about doing with what I actually did).
So, to make up for the confusion, I am going to give you guys a sneak preview of Bionicle Legends #11:
Divide and conquer, Pohatu thought as he piloted the Rockoh through a tight turn.
The Makuta forces had split up. Gorast and Vamprah had gone after Icarax; Krika had vanished; Mutran, too, was nowhere in sight; and as soon as he spotted Takanuva, Antroz had sent Bitil and Chirox after him. That left Antroz alone against Lewa, Pohatu and Kopaka.
Not that the Makuta seemed to mind. In full control of the Jetrax T6, he had darted around, over and through every obstacle Pohatu or Lewa had thrown in his way, and outpaced Kopaka with ease. Hitting and running, he had already done significant damage to the Rockoh.
Now Lewa was on Antroz’s tail in the Axalara T9. The Toa of Air was buffeting Antroz’s ship with gale-force winds in an effort to crash it into the forest of stone pillars created by Pohatu. Earlier, Antroz had used his magnetic power to send the Axalara into a spin, and only quick action by Pohatu had kept it from crashing into the swamp.
Antroz spotted the Rockoh and fired. The Jetrax’s Skyblasters hit their target, sending the Rockoh into a spin. Pohatu fought to right the ship, but it was headed for one of the stone pillars he had created. Quickly, he used his elemental power to shatter the rock before the ship collided with it.
Lewa banked to the left, trying to flank Antroz. The Axalara was a more powerful ship, but the Jetrax was faster. He needed to box Antroz in somehow.
Further behind, Kopaka had been working at the same thing. But every ice wall he threw up got blown to pieces by the Jetrax’s weapons or smashed by the vehicle itself. Every rain hail stones had been shrugged off by Antroz and bounced harmlessly off the Jetrax’s armored hull.
Pohatu was back in the fight now, and he was angry. Timing it just right, he made a hand of stone erupt out of the swamp and grab the Jetrax. Before Antroz could power it free, Pohatu hit the controls and pulled the Rockoh’s wings in for a dive. Firing as he flew, he raked the side of the Jetrax with bolts of energy.
Antroz jolted the craft free of the stone hand and wheeled in mid-air, firing at the Rockoh. When Pohatu dodged, Antroz used his gravity power to send the Toa’s ship plunging toward the swamp.
Lewa closed in, rocking the Jetrax with fire from the Axalara’s Skyblasters and shattering the Makuta’s concentration. Free of the increased pull of gravity, Pohatu managed to right his ship just as it skimmed the surface of the water.
Then it was Kopaka’s turn. He used his power to drop the temperature around the Jetrax hundreds of degrees in an instant, slowing down the vehicle’s engines and cutting its speed. Lewa and Pohatu closed in from both sides, ready to destroy the wounded craft.
Only Kopaka was close enough to see what happened next. Just as the two Toa vessels came in range, Antroz disappeared from the cockpit using his power to teleport. Acting quickly, Kopaka threw up ice barriers in front of the Axalara and the Rockoh, shouting, “Stop!”
Neither craft could turn in time, smashing into and through the ice. But the barriers had delayed them just long enough for Kopaka to climb behind the controls of the Jetrax. “All right,” said the Toa of Ice. “If this is the final battle, let’s make it one to remember.”
New Event
Doing another library event -- July 10th, 1 pm, Willimantic Public Library, Willimantic, CT.
Also, visit info for me will be posted on the site soon, so that schools and public libraries in the Northeast interested in having me come speak can find out how to make it happen.
2008 Video Faq
Many of you may have heard or read or even seen a video that popped up on and elsewhere recently that involved BIONICLE in general and summer 2008 in particular. So let me address some of the Q's you may have about it:
Q. What was it?
A. It was the first draft of what we call a "sell-in" video. That's a video we prepare to show buyers from dept. stores, Toys R Us, etc., to get them excited about BIONICLE for the year. It is not something shown to the public.
Q. So how did it get online?
A. Accidentally. We send electronic files of our TV commercials to Amazon to show on their site. Someone accidentally included the file of this video on the CD mailed to them.
Q. I noticed (fill in the blank) on the video -- does that mean ...?
A. This was a first cut -- it was not the final version of the video. Certain elements in the video shown on the web would have been cut from the final version, for reasons of time or because the content was no longer valid. So while there are certainly things in the video that would have been in the final version, not all of it is final and official.
Q. Now what?
A. Billund has taken steps to severely tighten up the process we use for these sell-in videos. They will not be stored in a totally separate area of the server and branded "Confidential" so this won't happen again.
Q. Can I still see it?
A. Amazon has taken the video down, and the other sites that had it up have either also done so or probably will have done so by the time you read this. As a reminder, BZP has banned any discussion of the video on this site.
Set News
A few pieces of news today --
1) I finally got a look at a pic of Mazeka today -- looks from the photo like he's an Onu-Matoran.
2) The Jan. 2009 sets are in our showroom now. Gotta say, very impressive. The new mask pieces are particularly cool shapes and the weaponry is slick too. On the whole, they manage to stay recognizably BIONICLE while still looking nicely different from past sets. I think the new pieces will probably be good for those who like to MOC, too. I will tell you up front, having only seen pics up to now, the pics do not do the sets justice. They are much more striking in person.
I am definitely inspired to do a Club building contest once those come out, to see what fans will build out of them.
3) 2010 story conference next week, so we can clear the decks and I can get moving on the screen treatment for 2010 movie.
4) I am going to be signing up for something on the Scholastic site where teachers and librarians can find authors to come speak at their schools/libraries. Not sure it will produce anything, but at least it will put me out there for folks who might want to do a BIONICLE event as they did in Coventry. So maybe there will be more school/library appearances in the Northeast in future, we'll see.
Thoughts on Dark Mirror
I must say, Dark Mirror has provoked some of the most interesting discussions and PMs I have seen in my time on here. It has been really interesting to see the reaction to the story, with Tuyet's Toa being branded as "evil" and "corrupt." And yet ... let's consider:
"Toa Tuyet announced today that the Brotherhood of Makuta poses a potential threat and should be eliminated before they threaten the peace of the universe."
"The leader of a major nation announced today that the country of Gazistan poses a potential threat to the peace of the Middle East, and preemptive strikes have been ordered against their military facilities."
"Matoran are being monitored, and anyone who speaks out in support of the Makuta or the Dark Hunters, or against Toa Tuyet, will be arrested and imprisoned."
"In the interests of national security, security cameras are being mounted in many public places, and telephone calls and email are being monitored for suspicious language."
"The Toa have learned the whereabouts of the dangerous Dark Hunters, a gang of criminals, and are moving in to smash their operations."
"The police have learned the whereabouts of the dangerous Daniels mob, a gang of criminals, and are moving in to smash their operations."
Would we brand the governments or police in the real world examples "evil and corrupt?" Or would we say they were trying to keep peace? I think the answer is different for everyone ... but it is important to remember just what Tuyet did. She took the basic core belief of the Toa -- that the Matoran must be protected -- and simply spun it that the best way to protect them was to smash potential enemies before they acted. The Makoki stone engravings prove the Toa had suspicions about the Makuta from early on, and the DH had a long history of immoral acts -- so how hard would it be to persuade Toa that they should be crushed? And can you argue that, despite all the negatives about Tuyet's society, Mata Nui is still awake there, and hundreds of Toa and thousands of Matoran who died in our universe, didn't die there?
I am not saying she was right, by any means -- but I think it important to understand the world of Dark Mirror. It is a world really governed by the fear of external enemies, the same as many societies in our world are. Instead of finding strength in fellowship, in prophecy, in the three virtues, these Toa and Matoran let fear and hatred drive their actions. The result was shattered Makuta and DH, but also Toa who then became repressive and dictatorial, all in the interests of protecting their people.
So the scary thing to me about DM is not Tuyet, or what happened to Brutaka or Toa Naho ... the scary part is that these Toa are not that far removed from the ones we know. The only real difference here is one of philosophy -- the Toa in DM act without provocation, the Toa in our universe normally wait for provocation and then react. The Toa in our universe wish to set an example and be looked at with respect, and so they don't stoop to the lethal level of their enemies; the Toa in DM believe that the best way to protect the Matoran from a foe is to kill that foe and don't care if they are looked at with fear. There are probably some Toa on Tuyet's side who aren't 100% comfortable with what they have become, but they look around and see a universe with no BOM and no real threat from the DH or anyone else, and so they do nothing.
Lesovikk is really the one who sees the slippery slope -- who understands that today it's Makuta who have to be wiped out, and tomorrow it's Turaga who object to new laws, and the day after it's Matoran who aren't working hard enough. Fear of enemies, real or imagined, can be used to justify any action, and often have been. Any of us can look back in our history and see instances where otherwise good people sat by and did nothing in the face of repression or even murder, because they believed the victims constituted some kind of threat.
So lots to think about in this story, at least for me ...
News and Notes
Just a few things today --
-- The event at the Booth-Dimock library in Coventry, CT next week is shaping up to be fun. For those of you who might want to attend, there is still time to register by phone. Just call the library at 860-742-7606.
-- Big week here. After only two weeks of searching, my wife and I bought a new house -- and it has room for all my comics and toys! Anyway, I will most likely be offline some during the first week of June as we move, but will keep you up to date on that.
2009 Book Info
Just talked to Scholastic today and got the current 2009 schedule --
It looks at this point like there will be a total of five books in 2009, three the young readers and two chapter books (potentially larger than the normal ones, but don't know yet) --
The readers would be out in January, April, and September, with the chapter books out in summer and fall. The hope is that between the buzz the readers are generating among the retailers (apparently, they are going to get into some big stores that the chapter books currently do not), the increasing sales of BIONICLE and the movie coming, and the chapter books being more of "event books", that chapter book sales will go up and we will be able to do a more extensive schedule of them in 2010. Scholastic does not want to abandon them, but sales continue to be in a trough for them, so right now the two is the best they can manage for the schedule.
I will still be doing them, but will probably also be spending some time on my own, non-LEGO writing, since the readers don't take much time to do.
These are all from Greg Farshtey, Bionicle writer.
Also, a bit of a spoiler for the top post.
If you don't have Swamp of Secrets, the exclusive web code is: SCL411.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Just Some Preview Ratings
Of the Mistika...
This'll be fast.
(These ARE NOT reviews, as I don't have the set and I'm only looking at pics on the Internet.)
Tahu Nuva: 9.85
Gali Nuva: 7.05
Onua Nuva: 7.56
Krika: 9.35
Gorast: 8.5
Bitil: 9
Vultraz: 7.35
Mazeka: 7.75 *
Takanuva: 9.95
Rockoh T3: 7.8
Jetrax T6: 8.95
Axalara T9: 10
That's our opinion.
*We have not actually seen Mazeka, just based it on the few descriptions that we had and our own imaginations.
This'll be fast.
(These ARE NOT reviews, as I don't have the set and I'm only looking at pics on the Internet.)
Tahu Nuva: 9.85
Gali Nuva: 7.05
Onua Nuva: 7.56
Krika: 9.35
Gorast: 8.5
Bitil: 9
Vultraz: 7.35
Mazeka: 7.75 *
Takanuva: 9.95
Rockoh T3: 7.8
Jetrax T6: 8.95
Axalara T9: 10
That's our opinion.
*We have not actually seen Mazeka, just based it on the few descriptions that we had and our own imaginations.
Swamp of Secrets Cover
The cover can be found on the BL10 page of Biosector01. Also, there is a page poster, not in color. The back's title is "The Heat is On!" With a description, of course.
By the way, the cover has Tahu Nuva and Krika displayed on it. It's pretty cool.
By the way, the cover has Tahu Nuva and Krika displayed on it. It's pretty cool.
Swamp of Secrets is Out!
Check you local bookstores for details. Unfortunately, I don't have the book yet, so I cannot reveal any spoilers. But, according to Biosector01 (found in the Bionicle Link List) the spoilers will reveal:
Takanuva will appear in the introduction.
Why Tahu was chosen to be the leader of the Toa Mata.
The name of the First Toa.
Which Makuta knocked one of Krekka's eyes out.
Which Makuta conquered the Visorak to use as a Brotherhood of Makuta army.
The storyline significance of the "Bohrok and Balta" sculpture in the Order of Mata Nui's headquarters.
The Order of Mata Nui Leader will make an appearance.
Krakua will also appear, this time in the present.
Brutaka will appear in a most unexpected way.
Also, Greg previewed this a long time ago:
(an excerpt)
The crimson-armored being opened his eyes and looked around. He did not recognize where he was, nor did he have any idea who the five figures nearby might be. Each of them was lying on a slab, just like him, and each wore colored armor and a mask. But where he was red, they were other hues: white, blue, green, black, and brown.
Of course, it came as no great surprise that he didn’t know who these others were. After all, he wasn’t sure who he was, either. He started to rise, then found he could not. Thick metal straps encircled him, keeping him pinned to the slab. Unsure of his identity as he was, he still knew that he didn't like being bound. He tried to exert his strength against the bonds, but without success. His frustration and anger grew. And then suddenly the metal of the straps was growing soft, turning to molten liquid, running off him and onto the floor.
Did I do that? he wondered, as he sat up.
On the next slab, the white armored figure had frozen his straps and then shattered them with the merest gesture. The others had all found unique ways to escape their bonds as well.
“Well, we’re all free,” said the red armored being. “Now what? Anyone know where we are … or who we are?” The answer came then, but not from any of them. Rather, it was a voice that seemed to come from every part of the room that spoke in reply. “You are Toa.”
The figure in the brown armor jumped down from his slab and onto his feet. “Toa! Hey, that’s great. I always wanted to be a Toa.” He looked up and addressed his next words to the ceiling. “Just one question: what’s a Toa?”
“A Toa is a hero,” the voice answered. “Every Toa commands an elemental power, which can be focused through your weapons. Each of you also wears a Great Mask, with a power all its own. You will learn about these powers in time, as well as how to control them.”
The white armored figure frowned. “To whom are we meant to be heroes, and why? You say we have great abilities, but what are we meant to do with them? Too many questions, for my taste …”
The unseen speaker laughed softly. “You underestimate yourself, Kopaka – yes, that is your name. Questions will always whet your appetite for answers. But now it is time for you to meet.”
A lightstone illuminated on the ceiling above Kopaka, as the voice said, “Kopaka, Toa of Ice.” One by one, the lightstones lit above the others as the speaker recited their names.
“Gali, Toa of Water.”
“Pohatu, Toa of Stone.”
“Onua, Toa of Earth.”
“Lewa, Toa of Air.”
The last to be named was the crimson armored figure. “And Tahu, Toa of Fire. He will be your leader.”
That seemed to startle Kopaka, who said sharply, “It seems to me we should be allowed to choose our own leader.”
“I have to agree,” said Gali quietly. “I mean, none of us know anything about this Tahu. What if he’s too impulsive to be a good leader? What if he lacks the ability to work with his team members, or can’t motivate, or --”
Lewa chuckled. “Or what if he’s just a jerk?”
A bolt of flame shot from an irritated Tahu past the Toa of Air, close enough to heat his mask to an uncomfortable temperature. Lewa reached up and yanked the mask off. Immediately, he felt so weak he almost fell over. Pohatu and Onua rushed to support him.
“You must not remove your masks, unless you are replacing one with another,” the voice said. “Without them, your strength is halved.” Lewa gingerly returned the hot mask to his face. “Thanks … ow! … for telling us.” He turned to glare at Tahu. “And as for you, fireflyer, better be careful a big wind doesn’t blow you out one of these days.”
“Big wind,” Tahu said, nodding. “Yes, that’s you, all right.”
Kopaka decided to ignore the argument. “So we are a team,” he said to their unseen host. “Again, I ask – for what purpose? What are we meant to do?”
A panel slid open in the far wall. Beyond, there was only darkness.
“The gateway to another mystery, perhaps,” said Onua. “I wonder if a Toa’s life is filled with them?”
“Then this will be just the first of many we walk through,” Tahu replied. “Let’s go."
So, go to your local bookstore now! Bionicle Legends 10 awaits you.
When I get it, I might reveal some of it.
I hear it's quite epic and full of intense battles.
Takanuva will appear in the introduction.
Why Tahu was chosen to be the leader of the Toa Mata.
The name of the First Toa.
Which Makuta knocked one of Krekka's eyes out.
Which Makuta conquered the Visorak to use as a Brotherhood of Makuta army.
The storyline significance of the "Bohrok and Balta" sculpture in the Order of Mata Nui's headquarters.
The Order of Mata Nui Leader will make an appearance.
Krakua will also appear, this time in the present.
Brutaka will appear in a most unexpected way.
Also, Greg previewed this a long time ago:
(an excerpt)
The crimson-armored being opened his eyes and looked around. He did not recognize where he was, nor did he have any idea who the five figures nearby might be. Each of them was lying on a slab, just like him, and each wore colored armor and a mask. But where he was red, they were other hues: white, blue, green, black, and brown.
Of course, it came as no great surprise that he didn’t know who these others were. After all, he wasn’t sure who he was, either. He started to rise, then found he could not. Thick metal straps encircled him, keeping him pinned to the slab. Unsure of his identity as he was, he still knew that he didn't like being bound. He tried to exert his strength against the bonds, but without success. His frustration and anger grew. And then suddenly the metal of the straps was growing soft, turning to molten liquid, running off him and onto the floor.
Did I do that? he wondered, as he sat up.
On the next slab, the white armored figure had frozen his straps and then shattered them with the merest gesture. The others had all found unique ways to escape their bonds as well.
“Well, we’re all free,” said the red armored being. “Now what? Anyone know where we are … or who we are?” The answer came then, but not from any of them. Rather, it was a voice that seemed to come from every part of the room that spoke in reply. “You are Toa.”
The figure in the brown armor jumped down from his slab and onto his feet. “Toa! Hey, that’s great. I always wanted to be a Toa.” He looked up and addressed his next words to the ceiling. “Just one question: what’s a Toa?”
“A Toa is a hero,” the voice answered. “Every Toa commands an elemental power, which can be focused through your weapons. Each of you also wears a Great Mask, with a power all its own. You will learn about these powers in time, as well as how to control them.”
The white armored figure frowned. “To whom are we meant to be heroes, and why? You say we have great abilities, but what are we meant to do with them? Too many questions, for my taste …”
The unseen speaker laughed softly. “You underestimate yourself, Kopaka – yes, that is your name. Questions will always whet your appetite for answers. But now it is time for you to meet.”
A lightstone illuminated on the ceiling above Kopaka, as the voice said, “Kopaka, Toa of Ice.” One by one, the lightstones lit above the others as the speaker recited their names.
“Gali, Toa of Water.”
“Pohatu, Toa of Stone.”
“Onua, Toa of Earth.”
“Lewa, Toa of Air.”
The last to be named was the crimson armored figure. “And Tahu, Toa of Fire. He will be your leader.”
That seemed to startle Kopaka, who said sharply, “It seems to me we should be allowed to choose our own leader.”
“I have to agree,” said Gali quietly. “I mean, none of us know anything about this Tahu. What if he’s too impulsive to be a good leader? What if he lacks the ability to work with his team members, or can’t motivate, or --”
Lewa chuckled. “Or what if he’s just a jerk?”
A bolt of flame shot from an irritated Tahu past the Toa of Air, close enough to heat his mask to an uncomfortable temperature. Lewa reached up and yanked the mask off. Immediately, he felt so weak he almost fell over. Pohatu and Onua rushed to support him.
“You must not remove your masks, unless you are replacing one with another,” the voice said. “Without them, your strength is halved.” Lewa gingerly returned the hot mask to his face. “Thanks … ow! … for telling us.” He turned to glare at Tahu. “And as for you, fireflyer, better be careful a big wind doesn’t blow you out one of these days.”
“Big wind,” Tahu said, nodding. “Yes, that’s you, all right.”
Kopaka decided to ignore the argument. “So we are a team,” he said to their unseen host. “Again, I ask – for what purpose? What are we meant to do?”
A panel slid open in the far wall. Beyond, there was only darkness.
“The gateway to another mystery, perhaps,” said Onua. “I wonder if a Toa’s life is filled with them?”
“Then this will be just the first of many we walk through,” Tahu replied. “Let’s go."
So, go to your local bookstore now! Bionicle Legends 10 awaits you.
When I get it, I might reveal some of it.
I hear it's quite epic and full of intense battles.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
25 Posts per Page
Just a notice: There will be 25 posts displayed on a page for now. This is because that it takes too long to load if there is 999 posts per page (not that I have 999 posts)
Therefore, if you want to view all of the posts, go to the bottom of the page and select "Older Posts." Then you can see everything.
Therefore, if you want to view all of the posts, go to the bottom of the page and select "Older Posts." Then you can see everything.
Remember the Warriors
Toa Ignika
Toa Ignika is the Mask of Life and the body it has created for itself. He is very eager to be a hero and to have friends, but also fairly innocent and naïve. He rarely speaks initially, since he does not have a grasp of spoken language. Brave and somewhat reckless, but with his level of power, he can afford to be.
Mask: Kanohi Ignika, the Mask of Life
Powers: Although not as powerful as in pure mask form, Toa Ignika still has the ability to bring inanimate objects to life and evolve or devolve objects or other beings.
Weapons: Midak skyblaster; lifeblade
Mutran and Vican
Mutran is the Brotherhood’s master of mutation, having turned a simple Le-Matoran into the monstrous Vican and kraata into shadow leeches. Well past the point of insanity, Mutran has been assigned to breed the leeches and guard the cavern in which it’s done. Vican serves his faithfully, partly out of his own madness, partly in hope that Mutran will return him to his former shape if he does a good job.
Mask: Kanohi Shelek, Mask of Silence – can cause a target to temporarily lose the ability to hear or speak
Weapons: Shadow blade; shadow spear; claws
Powers: Mutran has the power of flight and has access to all 40+ Makuta powers. He also can wield shadow energies.
Makuta Icarax
This deadly foe has immense strength and toughness, and has access to shadow energy and all 40+ powers of the Makuta. Unlike the Makuta of Karda Nui, Icarax was not blinded by the burst of light when the Mask of Life was used.
Mask: Kanohi Kraahkan, Mask of Shadows
Weapons: Rotating blade; shield
Quote: “I have fought tougher Toa than you before. And as I stepped over their bodies, I will step over yours.”
Once, he was a tiny sea creature only a few inches long. Then an accidental exposure to the power of the Mask of Life evolved him into the huge and savage creature he is now. To Gadunka, anything else that lives is the enemy.
Weapons: Cordak blaster
Natural Tools: Claws, teeth
The original Hydraxon, jailer of the Pit, died long ago. But the Mask of Life transformed a Matoran into a new Hydraxon. Now this skilled weaponsmaster stalks the seas, hoping to recapture the escaped Barraki.
Weapons: Explosive boomerangs, wrist knives, Cordak blaster
Quote: “Who I am is my business. Staying out of my way is yours.”
The robot guardian of the Pit has been taken over by the evil Makuta, master of shadows. But is he the enemy of the Toa Mahri … or their only hope of victory?
Weapons: Twin-bladed black fire sword; shoulder-mounted Cordak blaster
Quote: “Carapar, you are an ignorant spawn of a Brakas monkey. You couldn’t snap your fingers without help … if you had fingers.”
Toa Ignika
Toa Ignika is the Mask of Life and the body it has created for itself. He is very eager to be a hero and to have friends, but also fairly innocent and naïve. He rarely speaks initially, since he does not have a grasp of spoken language. Brave and somewhat reckless, but with his level of power, he can afford to be.
Mask: Kanohi Ignika, the Mask of Life
Powers: Although not as powerful as in pure mask form, Toa Ignika still has the ability to bring inanimate objects to life and evolve or devolve objects or other beings.
Weapons: Midak skyblaster; lifeblade
Mutran and Vican
Mutran is the Brotherhood’s master of mutation, having turned a simple Le-Matoran into the monstrous Vican and kraata into shadow leeches. Well past the point of insanity, Mutran has been assigned to breed the leeches and guard the cavern in which it’s done. Vican serves his faithfully, partly out of his own madness, partly in hope that Mutran will return him to his former shape if he does a good job.
Mask: Kanohi Shelek, Mask of Silence – can cause a target to temporarily lose the ability to hear or speak
Weapons: Shadow blade; shadow spear; claws
Powers: Mutran has the power of flight and has access to all 40+ Makuta powers. He also can wield shadow energies.
Makuta Icarax
This deadly foe has immense strength and toughness, and has access to shadow energy and all 40+ powers of the Makuta. Unlike the Makuta of Karda Nui, Icarax was not blinded by the burst of light when the Mask of Life was used.
Mask: Kanohi Kraahkan, Mask of Shadows
Weapons: Rotating blade; shield
Quote: “I have fought tougher Toa than you before. And as I stepped over their bodies, I will step over yours.”
Once, he was a tiny sea creature only a few inches long. Then an accidental exposure to the power of the Mask of Life evolved him into the huge and savage creature he is now. To Gadunka, anything else that lives is the enemy.
Weapons: Cordak blaster
Natural Tools: Claws, teeth
The original Hydraxon, jailer of the Pit, died long ago. But the Mask of Life transformed a Matoran into a new Hydraxon. Now this skilled weaponsmaster stalks the seas, hoping to recapture the escaped Barraki.
Weapons: Explosive boomerangs, wrist knives, Cordak blaster
Quote: “Who I am is my business. Staying out of my way is yours.”
The robot guardian of the Pit has been taken over by the evil Makuta, master of shadows. But is he the enemy of the Toa Mahri … or their only hope of victory?
Weapons: Twin-bladed black fire sword; shoulder-mounted Cordak blaster
Quote: “Carapar, you are an ignorant spawn of a Brakas monkey. You couldn’t snap your fingers without help … if you had fingers.”
Descriptions and stats of Matoran. Yes, Matoran.
Tanma is the leader of the last remaining Matoran of Light. He has grown into the job, learning to make the hard choices in the short time Karda Nui has been besieged. Brave, but not foolish, and wise enough to know the Matoran have to strike and run away if they are going to survive.
Weapons: Power swords which fire light bursts; rocket boosters.
Quote: “The life of one Matoran doesn’t matter compared to the fate of the whole universe.”
Solek is an expert on the ancient legends of Lewa, Pohatu, etc., and knows more about their past than they do! Kopaka is his hero and he wants to be more like him, but has not yet discovered how to contain his excitement and master his emotions.
Weapons: Power swords which fire light bursts; rocket boosters
Quote: “This is just like that time you fought the acid-spitting air serpents, remember that?”
Photok is a warrior who has been longing for something to fight for millennia. He is impatient to take the battle to the Brotherhood of Makuta and feels Tanma is too cautious. He was best friends with Radiak and now the two often clash.
Weapons: Power swords which fire light bursts; rocket boosters
Quote: “Hiding and running away doesn’t make us safe or wise … it makes us cowards.”
He is as fierce a fighter for the side of Shadow as he ever was for Light, and he takes special delight in challenging his former friends to combat and then seeing them ambushed by the Makuta.
Weapons: Four leg blades; teeth
Quote: “Why are you hiding? You always used to talk so brave … come out and fight!”
Leader of the shadow Matoran, Gavla’s hatred for her own people makes her a formidable enemy. She fights the Matoran of Light as much because she enjoys it as because she has been ordered to.
Weapons: Claw blades; teeth
Quote: “You might say I saw the light … by looking into the darkness.”
Former leader of the Matoran of Light, Kirop has become their most dangerous enemy because he knows everything about all of them. He dislikes Gavla because she has been given the authority he feels should have been his.
Weapons: Claws; teeth
Quote: “All those years we spent hiding in the light … we were wrong. We should have embraced the darkness from the start.”
Matoran with elements.
Light against dark.
Winner take all.
Tanma is the leader of the last remaining Matoran of Light. He has grown into the job, learning to make the hard choices in the short time Karda Nui has been besieged. Brave, but not foolish, and wise enough to know the Matoran have to strike and run away if they are going to survive.
Weapons: Power swords which fire light bursts; rocket boosters.
Quote: “The life of one Matoran doesn’t matter compared to the fate of the whole universe.”
Solek is an expert on the ancient legends of Lewa, Pohatu, etc., and knows more about their past than they do! Kopaka is his hero and he wants to be more like him, but has not yet discovered how to contain his excitement and master his emotions.
Weapons: Power swords which fire light bursts; rocket boosters
Quote: “This is just like that time you fought the acid-spitting air serpents, remember that?”
Photok is a warrior who has been longing for something to fight for millennia. He is impatient to take the battle to the Brotherhood of Makuta and feels Tanma is too cautious. He was best friends with Radiak and now the two often clash.
Weapons: Power swords which fire light bursts; rocket boosters
Quote: “Hiding and running away doesn’t make us safe or wise … it makes us cowards.”
He is as fierce a fighter for the side of Shadow as he ever was for Light, and he takes special delight in challenging his former friends to combat and then seeing them ambushed by the Makuta.
Weapons: Four leg blades; teeth
Quote: “Why are you hiding? You always used to talk so brave … come out and fight!”
Leader of the shadow Matoran, Gavla’s hatred for her own people makes her a formidable enemy. She fights the Matoran of Light as much because she enjoys it as because she has been ordered to.
Weapons: Claw blades; teeth
Quote: “You might say I saw the light … by looking into the darkness.”
Former leader of the Matoran of Light, Kirop has become their most dangerous enemy because he knows everything about all of them. He dislikes Gavla because she has been given the authority he feels should have been his.
Weapons: Claws; teeth
Quote: “All those years we spent hiding in the light … we were wrong. We should have embraced the darkness from the start.”
Matoran with elements.
Light against dark.
Winner take all.
Bios...did I tell you that this isn't new? - TOA MAHRI
Toa Kongu
Although Toa Kongu hates the water, he is forcing himself to adapt to battle beneath the sea. He is one of the best at seeing a situation for what it is and using humor to keep his enemies off-balance.
Weapons: Cordak blasters
Mask: Kanohi Zatth, Mask of Summoning
Quote: “Five of us, 5000 of them. I like your idea of fair odds, Hahli.”
Toa Jaller
Toa Jaller is used to being one of the most powerful Toa, but a water world is not made for a Toa of Fire. Still, he is a strong leader and is working hard to keep his team together in this crisis.
Weapons:Cordak blaster; aquatic fire blade
Mask: Kanohi Arthron, Mask of Sonar
Quote: “Give it up, or some lucky Rahi will be having boiled Barraki for dinner.”
Toa Hewkii
Toa Hewkii has decided that battle is just another kind of competition, and he is determined to be a champion. Sometimes he won’t even use his mask power or weapons, just pitting his strength against that of his foe.
Weapons: Aqua warblade; Cordak revolving blaster
Mask: Kanohi Garai, Mask of Gravity
Quote: “It’s Gadunka. Too bad we don’t have any of those explosive madu fruit like on our old island. I could teach him to play fetch.”
Toa Nuparu
Toa Nuparu never dreamed a city of Matoran could exist under the sea. He’s hoping that when the crisis is over, he will have time to study the technology that helped the Matoran survive.
Weapons: Aqua blaster blade; shield; Cordak blaster
Mask: Kanohi Volitak, Mask of Stealth
Quote: “I know a way out … It involves explosions … lots and lots of explosions.”
Toa Hahli
Toa Hahli is in her element now, and it has helped her to become a stronger person. She has even taken the lead on some missions and has become one of the best fighters on the team.
Weapons: Protosteel talons; Cordak blaster
Mask: Kanohi Faxon, the Mask of Kindred
Quote: “Back off, or I will personally teach you the meaning of ‘dead in the water.’”
Toa Matoro
Toa Matoro feels responsible for losing the Mask of Life and is determined to get it back, come what may, even if it means making a deal with his worst enemy.
Weapons: Twin cutter, Cordak blaster
Mask: Kanohi Tryna, Mask of Reanimation
Quote: “It ends now. One thousand years of fear and violence and darkness even in the daylight … all over now.”
Toa Kongu
Although Toa Kongu hates the water, he is forcing himself to adapt to battle beneath the sea. He is one of the best at seeing a situation for what it is and using humor to keep his enemies off-balance.
Weapons: Cordak blasters
Mask: Kanohi Zatth, Mask of Summoning
Quote: “Five of us, 5000 of them. I like your idea of fair odds, Hahli.”
Toa Jaller
Toa Jaller is used to being one of the most powerful Toa, but a water world is not made for a Toa of Fire. Still, he is a strong leader and is working hard to keep his team together in this crisis.
Weapons:Cordak blaster; aquatic fire blade
Mask: Kanohi Arthron, Mask of Sonar
Quote: “Give it up, or some lucky Rahi will be having boiled Barraki for dinner.”
Toa Hewkii
Toa Hewkii has decided that battle is just another kind of competition, and he is determined to be a champion. Sometimes he won’t even use his mask power or weapons, just pitting his strength against that of his foe.
Weapons: Aqua warblade; Cordak revolving blaster
Mask: Kanohi Garai, Mask of Gravity
Quote: “It’s Gadunka. Too bad we don’t have any of those explosive madu fruit like on our old island. I could teach him to play fetch.”
Toa Nuparu
Toa Nuparu never dreamed a city of Matoran could exist under the sea. He’s hoping that when the crisis is over, he will have time to study the technology that helped the Matoran survive.
Weapons: Aqua blaster blade; shield; Cordak blaster
Mask: Kanohi Volitak, Mask of Stealth
Quote: “I know a way out … It involves explosions … lots and lots of explosions.”
Toa Hahli
Toa Hahli is in her element now, and it has helped her to become a stronger person. She has even taken the lead on some missions and has become one of the best fighters on the team.
Weapons: Protosteel talons; Cordak blaster
Mask: Kanohi Faxon, the Mask of Kindred
Quote: “Back off, or I will personally teach you the meaning of ‘dead in the water.’”
Toa Matoro
Toa Matoro feels responsible for losing the Mask of Life and is determined to get it back, come what may, even if it means making a deal with his worst enemy.
Weapons: Twin cutter, Cordak blaster
Mask: Kanohi Tryna, Mask of Reanimation
Quote: “It ends now. One thousand years of fear and violence and darkness even in the daylight … all over now.”
Bios...this isn't new - PHANTOKA
Toa Kopaka
Unlike some of the other Toa Nuva, Kopaka has changed very little. He still prefers to fight alone, given the opportunity, though he knows it’s not a wise tactic against the Makuta. He is not at all happy about going into battle with Solek, feeling that exposing Matoran to danger is the last thing a responsible Toa should do. He and Tahu have settled many of their differences and Kopaka now fills the role of deputy leader of the team.
Mask: Akaku Nuva, Great Mask of X-Ray Vision.
Weapons: Midak Skyblaster, equipped with blizzard blade and laser sight
Quote: “All right, then, you Matoran ride with us. Stay low, keep your mouths shut, and try not to get killed.”
Toa Lewa
Of all the Toa, Lewa is one of the two (along with Tahu) who have matured the most. Although he still has an adventu- rous spirit, he is no longer so reckless and wild. He knows he has proven himself in battle, and so doesn’t feel the need to try quite so hard all the time. As a result, he has become a better teammate, a better fighter, and someone both Tahu and Kopaka feel can be trusted in dangerous situations.
Mask: Miru Nuva, Great Mask of Levitation.
Weapons: Midak Skyblaster (fires spheres of light) and air saber
Qutoe: “I am a Toa-hero, here to save you from … whatever it is you need saving from.”
Toa Pohatu
Always one of the friendlier Toa, Pohatu has been happy to see the team coming together and the internal fights a thing of the past. He is regarded as the most loyal and reliable team member, so easygoing and with such a good sense of humor that even Kopaka can’t help liking him. But Pohatu is also a fierce fighter, especially when he feels the weak are being threatened.
Mask: Kakama Nuva, Great Mask of Speed
Weapons: Rotating propeller/drill claws, Midak Skyblaster (shoots spheres of light)
Quote: “You know, I’ve seen things crawl out from under rocks that had more class than you Makuta. And I’m a Toa of Stone – I know rocks.”
Antroz is the leader of the Brotherhood of Makuta forces in Karda Nui. Aggressive, he is not really a long-range planner, more a fierce warrior. In his opinion, complex tactics and strategies don’t win battles – crushing your enemy before he crushes you wins battles. Unlike the Makuta of Metru Nui, he never underestimates a foe.
Mask: Kanohi Jutlin, Mask of Corruption. Causes items to rot and break down.
Weapons: Tridak pod with shadow leeches; claws; teeth
Peculiarity: Antroz is a rare Makuta who has some sense of honor. For example, he’d prefer to win in a fair fight than to hit from behind.
Quote: “Toa serve an important purpose in this world – they help me keep my claws sharp.”
Vamprah is the true hunter among the Makuta, who delights in silently stalking his prey. Even his allies are uncomfortable around him. Thanks to his mask power and his own experiments, he now literally feeds on the hopes and dreams of others.
Peculiarity: Vamprah hates to see a hunt end too soon, and will often toy with his prey before feeding on their light.
Mask: Kanohi Avsa, Mask of Hunger – allows Vamprah to drain light/energy from a target over a distance
Weapons: Tridak pod with shadow leeches; claws; knife-sharp wings
Chirox is one of the Brotherhood’s top scientists, but is best known for the fact that the Rahi he creates tend to be vicious and destructive. He is less of a warrior than Antroz, but more cunning, and much more likely to fight dirty.
Peculiarity: Chirox lives to do experiments, and is always tinkering with the flying and swimming beasts of Karda Nui to create new and more monstrous creatures.
Mask: Kanohi Shelek, Mask of Silence – can cause a target to temporarily lose the ability to hear or speak
Weapons: Tridak pod with shadow leeches; hook blades; teeth
Quote: “We knew what to do with Toa on Destral – raw material for my Rahi, that’s what they were.”
Toa Kopaka
Unlike some of the other Toa Nuva, Kopaka has changed very little. He still prefers to fight alone, given the opportunity, though he knows it’s not a wise tactic against the Makuta. He is not at all happy about going into battle with Solek, feeling that exposing Matoran to danger is the last thing a responsible Toa should do. He and Tahu have settled many of their differences and Kopaka now fills the role of deputy leader of the team.
Mask: Akaku Nuva, Great Mask of X-Ray Vision.
Weapons: Midak Skyblaster, equipped with blizzard blade and laser sight
Quote: “All right, then, you Matoran ride with us. Stay low, keep your mouths shut, and try not to get killed.”
Toa Lewa
Of all the Toa, Lewa is one of the two (along with Tahu) who have matured the most. Although he still has an adventu- rous spirit, he is no longer so reckless and wild. He knows he has proven himself in battle, and so doesn’t feel the need to try quite so hard all the time. As a result, he has become a better teammate, a better fighter, and someone both Tahu and Kopaka feel can be trusted in dangerous situations.
Mask: Miru Nuva, Great Mask of Levitation.
Weapons: Midak Skyblaster (fires spheres of light) and air saber
Qutoe: “I am a Toa-hero, here to save you from … whatever it is you need saving from.”
Toa Pohatu
Always one of the friendlier Toa, Pohatu has been happy to see the team coming together and the internal fights a thing of the past. He is regarded as the most loyal and reliable team member, so easygoing and with such a good sense of humor that even Kopaka can’t help liking him. But Pohatu is also a fierce fighter, especially when he feels the weak are being threatened.
Mask: Kakama Nuva, Great Mask of Speed
Weapons: Rotating propeller/drill claws, Midak Skyblaster (shoots spheres of light)
Quote: “You know, I’ve seen things crawl out from under rocks that had more class than you Makuta. And I’m a Toa of Stone – I know rocks.”
Antroz is the leader of the Brotherhood of Makuta forces in Karda Nui. Aggressive, he is not really a long-range planner, more a fierce warrior. In his opinion, complex tactics and strategies don’t win battles – crushing your enemy before he crushes you wins battles. Unlike the Makuta of Metru Nui, he never underestimates a foe.
Mask: Kanohi Jutlin, Mask of Corruption. Causes items to rot and break down.
Weapons: Tridak pod with shadow leeches; claws; teeth
Peculiarity: Antroz is a rare Makuta who has some sense of honor. For example, he’d prefer to win in a fair fight than to hit from behind.
Quote: “Toa serve an important purpose in this world – they help me keep my claws sharp.”
Vamprah is the true hunter among the Makuta, who delights in silently stalking his prey. Even his allies are uncomfortable around him. Thanks to his mask power and his own experiments, he now literally feeds on the hopes and dreams of others.
Peculiarity: Vamprah hates to see a hunt end too soon, and will often toy with his prey before feeding on their light.
Mask: Kanohi Avsa, Mask of Hunger – allows Vamprah to drain light/energy from a target over a distance
Weapons: Tridak pod with shadow leeches; claws; knife-sharp wings
Chirox is one of the Brotherhood’s top scientists, but is best known for the fact that the Rahi he creates tend to be vicious and destructive. He is less of a warrior than Antroz, but more cunning, and much more likely to fight dirty.
Peculiarity: Chirox lives to do experiments, and is always tinkering with the flying and swimming beasts of Karda Nui to create new and more monstrous creatures.
Mask: Kanohi Shelek, Mask of Silence – can cause a target to temporarily lose the ability to hear or speak
Weapons: Tridak pod with shadow leeches; hook blades; teeth
Quote: “We knew what to do with Toa on Destral – raw material for my Rahi, that’s what they were.”
Death at the Coliseum - Dark Mirror: Chapter 8
Chapter Eight
Takanuva crouched behind a wall, a wounded Lesovikk beside him. All around, Elemental Power bursts were flying, warriors were screaming and a disaster beyond his imagination was taking place. It had all started out so well: Lesovikk's van had made it close to the Coliseum before being spotted. As planned, Takanuva had used his new found Shadow powers to blind the guards. Pohatu followed with a massive fist of stone that cracked the walls of the huge structure. To the east, Makuta Teridax led Krika, Kojol, Turaga Dume and Takua into battle.
At first, they made short work of the Matoran and Toa who guarded Tuyet's fortress. Then it all went wrong: a Toa of Iron appeared on the walls and a hail of spikes spelt the end of Takua. Takanuva watched in sheer horror as his other self collapsed and died. Kojol fell next, his armor crushed by the Toa's power, and his essence incinerated by a Toa of Plasma. Teridax was forced to pull back.
Things were going no better for Lesovikk's squad. Primal had run into Tahu in the eastern entrance, and killed the Toa of Fire. But the sudden appearance of Gali, and a sphere of Water around the Dark Hunter's head left him to drown on dry land. Toa Krakua hit Gali with a wave of solid sound, blasting apart her mask and armor. Pohatu cried out too late: Ahkmou had already dashed ahead and slain the fallen Toa of Water. He didn't get to enjoy his triumph long. Kopaka flash-froze Akhmou, and a swipe from Onua's claws shattered the Matoran into little pieces of crystal and Protodermis.
Now it was no longer one battle, but a dozen seperate ones being fought at once, the lines moving back and forth. Pohatu fought his way into the Coliseum, but found himself too evenly matched with Onua to make much progress. Lesovikk fell with an Ice dagger in his shoulder, but rallied to blow Kopaka off his post high atop the Coliseum. Takanuva winced as the Toa of Ice hit the ground and lay still.
"Now," said Lesovikk to Takanuva, "Darkness will lead the way. Get in there and do what you have to."
"What about you?" asked Takanuva.
"We'll give them something to remember," said Lesovikk.
Takanuva took one last look around. Nuju was side-by-side with Guardian, keeping a Toa of Magnetism too off-balance to use his powers. Teridax's forces had charged again. Krika used his Vacuum power to absorb Lewa's attacks until Teridax had summoned a bolt of Lightning, powerful enough to turn a Toa into ashes.
Darkness was already on the move, slipping through the cracks in the Coliseum walls. Takanuva used his Shadow power to enlarge them and followed. Inside, the Coliseum was strangely silent. One would never know a battle raged outside its walls. A team of Toa rushed by on their way to join the fight. Steeling himself, Takanuva fired laser blasts at the ceiling, bringing the rubble down on top of them. He still found himself hoping he had only stunned them, not killed them. Together, Toa and Dark Hunter fought their way to their goal: the Hall of Masks. They had made it to the chamber door when Darkness paused. He heard something. The next instance, the door exploded outward as a wall of water erupted from within, sweeping Darkness away. Takanuva managed to grab hold of the doorway, holding on with all his might and holding his breath. Outside, Teridax's attack had met with success as Toa fell before him and Krika. Turaga Dume had rallied Lesovikk's group, although not before Nuju had been pulled into the Archives by plantlife gone wild. Guardian, too, fell, but took half a dozen Toa with him. Back in the Coliseum, the deluge had finally stopped. There, framed in the chamber doors was Toa Tuyet; Nui Stone in one hand, Mask of Dimensional Gates in the other.
"I know who you are," she said. "Or rather, I had guessed. You don't belong here."
"Neither do you," said Takanuva. "You don't exist in my world. True Toa must have stood up and stopped you before you went too far."
"In my world, I am much more... competent," she replied. "How unfortunate for you."
"Alright then," said Takanuva. "For Takua, for Lesovikk, and for all the Toa and Matoran whose lives you have ruined, I strike."
Takanuva crouched behind a wall, a wounded Lesovikk beside him. All around, Elemental Power bursts were flying, warriors were screaming and a disaster beyond his imagination was taking place. It had all started out so well: Lesovikk's van had made it close to the Coliseum before being spotted. As planned, Takanuva had used his new found Shadow powers to blind the guards. Pohatu followed with a massive fist of stone that cracked the walls of the huge structure. To the east, Makuta Teridax led Krika, Kojol, Turaga Dume and Takua into battle.
At first, they made short work of the Matoran and Toa who guarded Tuyet's fortress. Then it all went wrong: a Toa of Iron appeared on the walls and a hail of spikes spelt the end of Takua. Takanuva watched in sheer horror as his other self collapsed and died. Kojol fell next, his armor crushed by the Toa's power, and his essence incinerated by a Toa of Plasma. Teridax was forced to pull back.
Things were going no better for Lesovikk's squad. Primal had run into Tahu in the eastern entrance, and killed the Toa of Fire. But the sudden appearance of Gali, and a sphere of Water around the Dark Hunter's head left him to drown on dry land. Toa Krakua hit Gali with a wave of solid sound, blasting apart her mask and armor. Pohatu cried out too late: Ahkmou had already dashed ahead and slain the fallen Toa of Water. He didn't get to enjoy his triumph long. Kopaka flash-froze Akhmou, and a swipe from Onua's claws shattered the Matoran into little pieces of crystal and Protodermis.
Now it was no longer one battle, but a dozen seperate ones being fought at once, the lines moving back and forth. Pohatu fought his way into the Coliseum, but found himself too evenly matched with Onua to make much progress. Lesovikk fell with an Ice dagger in his shoulder, but rallied to blow Kopaka off his post high atop the Coliseum. Takanuva winced as the Toa of Ice hit the ground and lay still.
"Now," said Lesovikk to Takanuva, "Darkness will lead the way. Get in there and do what you have to."
"What about you?" asked Takanuva.
"We'll give them something to remember," said Lesovikk.
Takanuva took one last look around. Nuju was side-by-side with Guardian, keeping a Toa of Magnetism too off-balance to use his powers. Teridax's forces had charged again. Krika used his Vacuum power to absorb Lewa's attacks until Teridax had summoned a bolt of Lightning, powerful enough to turn a Toa into ashes.
Darkness was already on the move, slipping through the cracks in the Coliseum walls. Takanuva used his Shadow power to enlarge them and followed. Inside, the Coliseum was strangely silent. One would never know a battle raged outside its walls. A team of Toa rushed by on their way to join the fight. Steeling himself, Takanuva fired laser blasts at the ceiling, bringing the rubble down on top of them. He still found himself hoping he had only stunned them, not killed them. Together, Toa and Dark Hunter fought their way to their goal: the Hall of Masks. They had made it to the chamber door when Darkness paused. He heard something. The next instance, the door exploded outward as a wall of water erupted from within, sweeping Darkness away. Takanuva managed to grab hold of the doorway, holding on with all his might and holding his breath. Outside, Teridax's attack had met with success as Toa fell before him and Krika. Turaga Dume had rallied Lesovikk's group, although not before Nuju had been pulled into the Archives by plantlife gone wild. Guardian, too, fell, but took half a dozen Toa with him. Back in the Coliseum, the deluge had finally stopped. There, framed in the chamber doors was Toa Tuyet; Nui Stone in one hand, Mask of Dimensional Gates in the other.
"I know who you are," she said. "Or rather, I had guessed. You don't belong here."
"Neither do you," said Takanuva. "You don't exist in my world. True Toa must have stood up and stopped you before you went too far."
"In my world, I am much more... competent," she replied. "How unfortunate for you."
"Alright then," said Takanuva. "For Takua, for Lesovikk, and for all the Toa and Matoran whose lives you have ruined, I strike."
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Some Prototypes
From the Battle for Power game.
I'll have more.
I'll have more.
Bionicle Comic 2008#1 Online
On, Bionicle 2008 Comic#1 is online. Check it out if you aren't subscribed to the Lego Magazine!
Two new Battle for Power games have swooped down to You should go check them out now! I personally think that these are the best out of all of them that I've played. It's the three Av-Matoran and the three Kraa-Matoran.
Check it out here:
And, here's some rewards:
(prototype Lewa Phantoka mask and black Pohatu preview)
There you have it!
Check it out here:
And, here's some rewards:
(prototype Lewa Phantoka mask and black Pohatu preview)
There you have it!
Finally-The Long-Awaited Mutran Chronicles Chapter 8!
Chapter 8
Well do I remember the first time I saw the Kanohi Avohkii, or Mask of Light. Truly no more vile or disgusting thing has ever been created in this universe. There it was in the hands of Teridax, not even having the courtesy to be the color of a lump of clay when not being worn – oh, no, the Avohkii gleamed golden. Locked within it was the one power we Makuta dreaded, and the unspoken promise of something far worse – the existence, someday, of an actual Toa of Light.
Whispered rumors had reached Destral that such a mask had come into existence on Artakha. Natually, Makuta Kojol, being the idiot he was, had not learned this directly. But he was more than ready to lead an armada against the island and seize the thing.
Teridax wanted a subtle operation, a few Rahkshi, that's all. Kojol, at his peril, chose to ignore this. He assembled a strike force of Visorak, Rahkshi, and even a few Exo-Toa, intending to overwhelm any defenses on the island with one crushing blow.
It didn't quite work out that way. The first things the Visorak ran into when they hit the beach were two massive serpents that seemed to be made of crystal. The Visorak, supremely confident as always, thought they would make short work of such large Rahi. Instead, the rays of the sun focused through the bodies of the snakes promptly incinerated Kojol's entire first wave.
Kojol pulled his ships back and tried another approach. Fortunately, Rahkshi are good climbers and were able to get a clawhold on more treacherous terrain. While the Matoran on the island posed little threat, the devices of the island's ruler – also named Artakha – took a heavy toll on the Rahkshi. They bought enough time for the Exo-Toa to deploy, however, and with their power added to the battle, the island fell.
Kojol could have - should have – taken everything in sight from the fortress. But it took him so long to come ashore, and so long to find the Avohkii (since the interior of the fortress was booby-trapped), and then he claims there was this intense blizzard as he tried to depart. Worse, he was never supposed to have set foot on the island at all – the point was for this to be a secret raid, not one that could be tied to the Brotherhood. (True, Visorak and Rahkshi are associated with us, but without the actual presence of a Makuta there, we could still deny knowledge of what happened.)
Kojol returned to Destral in "triumph", and despite disobeying orders, Teridax praised him for claiming the mask. The Toa Hagah who served us showed no indication they knew anything about the raid, meaning somehow our plans were still safe from view. The story, it seemed, was over.
Then something strange began to happen. Two squads of Rahkshi dispatched to a remote part of the southern continent were never seen alive again. When I found them, their armor was reduced to scraps and their kraata to dark smears on the ground. It seemed an interesting coincidence that they were the same Rahkshi who were on the Artakha raid.
The Exo-Toa were next. In the middle of the night, they vanished from their guard posts. To this day, we have no idea what became of them. By then, I was beginning to suspect that Artakha, or someone close to him, was taking revenge for our raid. That would mean Kojol would be next. Teridax needed to be informed immediately...
So, naturally, I did nothing.
Why? Because Kojol was a posturing, arrogant, obnoxious buffoon. If someone else wanted to spare me the trouble of killing him one day, so be it.
Oh, it looked like an accident, of course. He was visiting Xia, presenting them with a new armor-eating virus he wanted them to incorporate into a weapon. Either he made the virus better than he knew or else someone substituted a different one – for when it escaped, it turned out to have a taste for protosteel. His armor was devoured in seconds. Well, accidents happen. Of course, that didn't explain how his energy form wound up in a high-temperature Vortixx furnace where it was completely destroyed.
The virus had died almost immediately upon finishing its work, and we have never seen its like again. The Vortixx claimed innocence, but Teridax ordered part of the island razed anyway, as a reminder to them to be more careful in future.
It was only later that I realized what a fool I had been. Kojol was the only one who knew where the island of Artakha was, and I should have forced the knowledge from him before he died. When the Brotherhood tried to seek out others likely to know where the island might be located, we found that all had mysteriously died. Artakha – if it was him – was being very thorough.
In the end, we did not keep the Mask of Light for long. Teridax's squad of Toa Hagah actually dared invade the Destral fortress and steal the mask! They paid for it in the end – remind me to write sometime of Roodaka's nasty sense of humor – but they did escape with the mask.
Once that happened – once we knew there were Toa who had divined our new purpose in life – the Plan had to go forward swiftly. The time had come to bring down the Great Spirit and begin our march to power.
Well do I remember the first time I saw the Kanohi Avohkii, or Mask of Light. Truly no more vile or disgusting thing has ever been created in this universe. There it was in the hands of Teridax, not even having the courtesy to be the color of a lump of clay when not being worn – oh, no, the Avohkii gleamed golden. Locked within it was the one power we Makuta dreaded, and the unspoken promise of something far worse – the existence, someday, of an actual Toa of Light.
Whispered rumors had reached Destral that such a mask had come into existence on Artakha. Natually, Makuta Kojol, being the idiot he was, had not learned this directly. But he was more than ready to lead an armada against the island and seize the thing.
Teridax wanted a subtle operation, a few Rahkshi, that's all. Kojol, at his peril, chose to ignore this. He assembled a strike force of Visorak, Rahkshi, and even a few Exo-Toa, intending to overwhelm any defenses on the island with one crushing blow.
It didn't quite work out that way. The first things the Visorak ran into when they hit the beach were two massive serpents that seemed to be made of crystal. The Visorak, supremely confident as always, thought they would make short work of such large Rahi. Instead, the rays of the sun focused through the bodies of the snakes promptly incinerated Kojol's entire first wave.
Kojol pulled his ships back and tried another approach. Fortunately, Rahkshi are good climbers and were able to get a clawhold on more treacherous terrain. While the Matoran on the island posed little threat, the devices of the island's ruler – also named Artakha – took a heavy toll on the Rahkshi. They bought enough time for the Exo-Toa to deploy, however, and with their power added to the battle, the island fell.
Kojol could have - should have – taken everything in sight from the fortress. But it took him so long to come ashore, and so long to find the Avohkii (since the interior of the fortress was booby-trapped), and then he claims there was this intense blizzard as he tried to depart. Worse, he was never supposed to have set foot on the island at all – the point was for this to be a secret raid, not one that could be tied to the Brotherhood. (True, Visorak and Rahkshi are associated with us, but without the actual presence of a Makuta there, we could still deny knowledge of what happened.)
Kojol returned to Destral in "triumph", and despite disobeying orders, Teridax praised him for claiming the mask. The Toa Hagah who served us showed no indication they knew anything about the raid, meaning somehow our plans were still safe from view. The story, it seemed, was over.
Then something strange began to happen. Two squads of Rahkshi dispatched to a remote part of the southern continent were never seen alive again. When I found them, their armor was reduced to scraps and their kraata to dark smears on the ground. It seemed an interesting coincidence that they were the same Rahkshi who were on the Artakha raid.
The Exo-Toa were next. In the middle of the night, they vanished from their guard posts. To this day, we have no idea what became of them. By then, I was beginning to suspect that Artakha, or someone close to him, was taking revenge for our raid. That would mean Kojol would be next. Teridax needed to be informed immediately...
So, naturally, I did nothing.
Why? Because Kojol was a posturing, arrogant, obnoxious buffoon. If someone else wanted to spare me the trouble of killing him one day, so be it.
Oh, it looked like an accident, of course. He was visiting Xia, presenting them with a new armor-eating virus he wanted them to incorporate into a weapon. Either he made the virus better than he knew or else someone substituted a different one – for when it escaped, it turned out to have a taste for protosteel. His armor was devoured in seconds. Well, accidents happen. Of course, that didn't explain how his energy form wound up in a high-temperature Vortixx furnace where it was completely destroyed.
The virus had died almost immediately upon finishing its work, and we have never seen its like again. The Vortixx claimed innocence, but Teridax ordered part of the island razed anyway, as a reminder to them to be more careful in future.
It was only later that I realized what a fool I had been. Kojol was the only one who knew where the island of Artakha was, and I should have forced the knowledge from him before he died. When the Brotherhood tried to seek out others likely to know where the island might be located, we found that all had mysteriously died. Artakha – if it was him – was being very thorough.
In the end, we did not keep the Mask of Light for long. Teridax's squad of Toa Hagah actually dared invade the Destral fortress and steal the mask! They paid for it in the end – remind me to write sometime of Roodaka's nasty sense of humor – but they did escape with the mask.
Once that happened – once we knew there were Toa who had divined our new purpose in life – the Plan had to go forward swiftly. The time had come to bring down the Great Spirit and begin our march to power.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Quotes from Greg
These quotes are from GregF's blog on BZPower.
A few pieces of news today --
1) I finally got a look at a pic of Mazeka today -- looks from the photo like he's an Onu-Matoran.
2) The Jan. 2009 sets are in our showroom now. Gotta say, very impressive. The new mask pieces are particularly cool shapes and the weaponry is slick too. On the whole, they manage to stay recognizably BIONICLE while still looking nicely different from past sets. I think the new pieces will probably be good for those who like to MOC, too. I will tell you up front, having only seen pics up to now, the pics do not do the sets justice. They are much more striking in person.
I am definitely inspired to do a Club building contest once those come out, to see what fans will build out of them.
3) 2010 story conference next week, so we can clear the decks and I can get moving on the screen treatment for 2010 movie.
4) I am going to be signing up for something on the Scholastic site where teachers and librarians can find authors to come speak at their schools/libraries. Not sure it will produce anything, but at least it will put me out there for folks who might want to do a BIONICLE event as they did in Coventry. So maybe there will be more school/library appearances in the Northeast in future, we'll see.
A few pieces of news today --
1) I finally got a look at a pic of Mazeka today -- looks from the photo like he's an Onu-Matoran.
2) The Jan. 2009 sets are in our showroom now. Gotta say, very impressive. The new mask pieces are particularly cool shapes and the weaponry is slick too. On the whole, they manage to stay recognizably BIONICLE while still looking nicely different from past sets. I think the new pieces will probably be good for those who like to MOC, too. I will tell you up front, having only seen pics up to now, the pics do not do the sets justice. They are much more striking in person.
I am definitely inspired to do a Club building contest once those come out, to see what fans will build out of them.
3) 2010 story conference next week, so we can clear the decks and I can get moving on the screen treatment for 2010 movie.
4) I am going to be signing up for something on the Scholastic site where teachers and librarians can find authors to come speak at their schools/libraries. Not sure it will produce anything, but at least it will put me out there for folks who might want to do a BIONICLE event as they did in Coventry. So maybe there will be more school/library appearances in the Northeast in future, we'll see.
Another Clue to the Mazeka Mystery
Greg Farshtey, writer of the Bionicle storyline, has revealed that Mazeka is an Onu-Matoran. That's all for now.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Some 2008 Set Reviews (Ratings) - Just a Preview
Some ratings of the Phantoka...
Kopaka Phantoka: 8/10
Great new wings. I think that the bayonet is rather small for a melee weapon, and just looks like an advanced Midak Skyblaster. Also, the arm armor keeps falling off when I try to move his arms.
Pohatu Phantoka: 8.4/10
The propellors are fun to spin, and he has two of them. Also, there is a shoulder-mounted Midak Skyblaster that fits in well. Three weapons in all, all of them with functions. These are the highlights of the set. The bad sides? There is a small kind of mask that doesn't cover his whole face (that might not be bad for you) and I think that he's too short. Well, I'm not sure about you, but I prefer taller sets.
Lewa Phantoka: 9.45/10
One of the best Phantoka, he stands tall and wears a neat mask. Also, there are two jetpacks and Matoro Twin Cutters that attach to the shoulders. Midak Skyblaster really fires!
Vamprah: 6.9/10
Good bat wings that attach to the arms. Neat hooks. Only one exclusive piece (the mask, of course) A Tridax Pod. Note that this Tridax Pod only works if you dump it on a hard surface. The bad parts? NO LEGS! Well, there are legs, but they are short and close to nothing. I would not recommend this set, but if you like blue, go ahead, he'll probably satisfy your thirst for blue things and add another Makuta to your collection. True hunter of the sky!
Chirox: 8.7/10
Very tall. Very long arms. Very skinny. Very nerd-like (just kidding). The mask is very neat, though it is not exclusive (See Mutran) Nice pieces for MOCing. Actually, I can't find many bad parts, except that he's rather skinny but tall. Like Brutaka, kind of. Not like Axonn. However, the set has no pieces that are only included in the Chirox set. (the melee weapons are part of the Jetrax T6 Bionicle vehicle)
Antroz: 8.35/10
The most in-balance of the Makuta sets, though with an abnormally small waist. However, he's not too tall (taller than most canisters) and not too short. Not too skinny and not too wide. The average of the Makuta, I would highly recommend that you buy Antroz. Also, he has cool new wings, a great Kanohi, and a Tridax Pod to explode Lewa with. Buy this set!
Mutran and Vican: 8.45/10
Mutran is practically a clone of Chirox, except for a few small differences (i.e. the weapons). Vican is hard to stand up, and like Kirop (thought not as much as Mutran resembles Chirox) Personally, I think that this is almost Chirox recolored. Not sure if you should get this one. Fans of green people (like me) should finish the deal and take him for the price of $15. Compared to the regular price for a Toa and a Matoran ($6) Mutran and Vican for $15 is a nice deal, but there aren't any pieces that aren't included in another set. That's just how store-exclusives work.
Icarax: 9.8/10
He's the best of the Phantoka. Tall. Great poseability. Four functions to keep you at bay. The Kanohi Krahkaan (with one small, almost unnoticeable difference than the 2003 Krahkaan) Let's get started. First, Icarax has many points of articulation (I haven't yet counted, but I think it's around 20) The functions. The Tridax Pod. As told in the Vamprah rating, this pod full of cute 'n cuddly (the Makuta would kill me for saying that) leeches. These leeches deserve a sentence or two to describe them. The leeches are bluish-green and have these neat little faces (they're supposed to terrorize the neighborhood and suck the light out of people) They do not really resemble actual leeches, which happen to suck the blood out of people. Anyway, enough on the Shadow Leeches. Just remember...they're nothing like they're supposed to be. Antroz is angry at me... So, next "function." The Krahkaan. Just as specified in the 2003 Krahkaan, you can flip it and see the other face on the side. The instructions say to put it with the weird face up, but I guess that you can pose it however you want. The moving wings on Icarax's back. They can be adjusted to change to many different ways. Great job, Lego designer people! And the spinning shield, which works perfectly. You just spin it, and it spins (as is the obvious) Anyway, Icarax is (in my opinion) the most awesome set of the Phantoka (though not out of all of the 2008 sets) and you should definitely buy him. Head over to a Toys 'r Us now! (or order him on Lego Shop at Home)
Next time: Reviews of all six of the Av-Matoran and the Shadow Matoran!
Yes, I have all of the Phantoka.
Also, these are just ratings and descriptions. The REAL set reviews come soon!
Kopaka Phantoka: 8/10
Great new wings. I think that the bayonet is rather small for a melee weapon, and just looks like an advanced Midak Skyblaster. Also, the arm armor keeps falling off when I try to move his arms.
Pohatu Phantoka: 8.4/10
The propellors are fun to spin, and he has two of them. Also, there is a shoulder-mounted Midak Skyblaster that fits in well. Three weapons in all, all of them with functions. These are the highlights of the set. The bad sides? There is a small kind of mask that doesn't cover his whole face (that might not be bad for you) and I think that he's too short. Well, I'm not sure about you, but I prefer taller sets.
Lewa Phantoka: 9.45/10
One of the best Phantoka, he stands tall and wears a neat mask. Also, there are two jetpacks and Matoro Twin Cutters that attach to the shoulders. Midak Skyblaster really fires!
Vamprah: 6.9/10
Good bat wings that attach to the arms. Neat hooks. Only one exclusive piece (the mask, of course) A Tridax Pod. Note that this Tridax Pod only works if you dump it on a hard surface. The bad parts? NO LEGS! Well, there are legs, but they are short and close to nothing. I would not recommend this set, but if you like blue, go ahead, he'll probably satisfy your thirst for blue things and add another Makuta to your collection. True hunter of the sky!
Chirox: 8.7/10
Very tall. Very long arms. Very skinny. Very nerd-like (just kidding). The mask is very neat, though it is not exclusive (See Mutran) Nice pieces for MOCing. Actually, I can't find many bad parts, except that he's rather skinny but tall. Like Brutaka, kind of. Not like Axonn. However, the set has no pieces that are only included in the Chirox set. (the melee weapons are part of the Jetrax T6 Bionicle vehicle)
Antroz: 8.35/10
The most in-balance of the Makuta sets, though with an abnormally small waist. However, he's not too tall (taller than most canisters) and not too short. Not too skinny and not too wide. The average of the Makuta, I would highly recommend that you buy Antroz. Also, he has cool new wings, a great Kanohi, and a Tridax Pod to explode Lewa with. Buy this set!
Mutran and Vican: 8.45/10
Mutran is practically a clone of Chirox, except for a few small differences (i.e. the weapons). Vican is hard to stand up, and like Kirop (thought not as much as Mutran resembles Chirox) Personally, I think that this is almost Chirox recolored. Not sure if you should get this one. Fans of green people (like me) should finish the deal and take him for the price of $15. Compared to the regular price for a Toa and a Matoran ($6) Mutran and Vican for $15 is a nice deal, but there aren't any pieces that aren't included in another set. That's just how store-exclusives work.
Icarax: 9.8/10
He's the best of the Phantoka. Tall. Great poseability. Four functions to keep you at bay. The Kanohi Krahkaan (with one small, almost unnoticeable difference than the 2003 Krahkaan) Let's get started. First, Icarax has many points of articulation (I haven't yet counted, but I think it's around 20) The functions. The Tridax Pod. As told in the Vamprah rating, this pod full of cute 'n cuddly (the Makuta would kill me for saying that) leeches. These leeches deserve a sentence or two to describe them. The leeches are bluish-green and have these neat little faces (they're supposed to terrorize the neighborhood and suck the light out of people) They do not really resemble actual leeches, which happen to suck the blood out of people. Anyway, enough on the Shadow Leeches. Just remember...they're nothing like they're supposed to be. Antroz is angry at me... So, next "function." The Krahkaan. Just as specified in the 2003 Krahkaan, you can flip it and see the other face on the side. The instructions say to put it with the weird face up, but I guess that you can pose it however you want. The moving wings on Icarax's back. They can be adjusted to change to many different ways. Great job, Lego designer people! And the spinning shield, which works perfectly. You just spin it, and it spins (as is the obvious) Anyway, Icarax is (in my opinion) the most awesome set of the Phantoka (though not out of all of the 2008 sets) and you should definitely buy him. Head over to a Toys 'r Us now! (or order him on Lego Shop at Home)
Next time: Reviews of all six of the Av-Matoran and the Shadow Matoran!
Yes, I have all of the Phantoka.
Also, these are just ratings and descriptions. The REAL set reviews come soon!
Federation of Fear 8
Federation of Fear, Chapter 8
Brutaka pushed aside a pile of rubble and struggled to his feet. Around him, Spiriah and Roodaka were using shadow energy to blast themselves free. Vezon and Lariska were nowhere to be seen.
He glanced back toward the now blocked tunnel entrance. A few blasts of power would no doubt clear away the pile of rocks and stones, but Takadox would be long gone by now. There would be time to settle with him later.
"I've got him!"
Brutaka turned to see Lariska holding a squirming Vezon by the throat. "I caught him sneaking down a side tunnel," the Dark Hunter said.
"Let us track down that traitor," snarled Roodaka. "I want his shattered body beneath my heel."
"We're here to do a job," Brutaka replied. "We keep moving. All of us," he added, looking hard at Vezon.
The tunnel proved to be far more than a mere pathway. It opened upon a vast underground cavern spanned by a narrow bridge made of fibrous protodermis. Down below, the floor was littered with a massive tangle of what looked like dead branches intertwined with each other. Deep channels had been carved into the walls by lava flows over the centuries. Strange flying Rahi hung from the ceiling, their six eyes blinking slowly at the sight of intruders into their realm.
"Remind me not to let Makuta Krika arrange for my next pleasure trip," muttered Spiriah.
"This whole island is volcanic," said Brutaka. "Minor eruptions over the years, but nothing major. Tahu and Kopaka are supposed to have taken care of the problem. Otherwise, we would probably be flash fried by now."
"No Carapar, no Takadox," said Vezon in a sing-song voice. "Who will go next? Spiriah the Sullen? Brutaka the Boorish? Vezon the Vanquisher? Or Lariska --"
The Dark Hunter whipped out a dagger and flung it into the stone right at Vezon's feet. The mad half-Skakdi turned to her, smiling, and said, "Or Lariska, the wise, wonderful, and gloriously homicidal."
Brutaka led the way across the bridge. At the far side, light spilled through a narrow opening. The symbol of the Brotherhood of Makuta was seared into the stone beside that portal. Someone – maybe Krika, maybe Miserix – had marked their path, so long ago.
"What are we going to do with this legendary Makuta when we find him?" asked Roodaka. "What makes you think he will help the likes of you?"
"Miserix hates the Brotherhood for turning on him," Brutaka replied. "He would ally with three Matoran and an Ussal crab if it would get him revenge on his fellow Makuta."
"And so what will he be for you?" Roodaka pressed. "A general? A hero? A symbol around which to rally resistance to the Brotherhood?"
Brutaka shook his head. "Nothing quite so grand. He'll be a weapon, like a Rhotuka launcher or a ghost blaster. And we're going to aim him right at the Makuta fortress on Destral."
Roodaka smiled. "And who, might I ask... are 'we'?"
Brutaka smiled back, the grin of a Kavinika about to feast. "Now, now ... what you don't know won't cut you in two and dump you off this bridge."
"I hear something," said Lariska. "Up ahead... it might be a voice... or the rumble of the volcano."
"I hear something too," said Vezon.
"Shut up," replied Roodaka.
"And I see something as well," Vezon continued. "But since you aren't interested..."
"We're not," Roodaka snapped.
"Personally, I always find my comments and observations most interesting," Vezon rambled on. "You haven't truly lived until you have seen the world through the eyes of madness. Why, half the time I don't know if what I see is what's really there, or what I wish was there ... or what I pray, I beg, I plead is not."
"Why did we bring him again?" said Spiriah.
"He breaks up the monotony," said Lariska.
"I'd like to break something much more satisfying," hissed Roodaka. "I hear Skakdi make a most appealing sound when you snap them into pieces."
"But, since you seem to have no interest," Vezon continued, utterly disregarding his teammates' comments. "Well, then, I won't tell you that the floor is moving. You can find out on your own."
"The floor is...?" Brutaka repeated. He looked down. Far below, the tangled growth of dead branches had indeed begun to shift. The reason why rapidly became clear: they weren't branches at all, but the twisted limbs of thousands of crimson insects, now disentangling themselves from each other. Apparently, it was time to wake up and they were ready for their morning meal.
Swifter than anyone could have predicted, they began to swarm up the walls of the canyon on every side. In an instant, they had blocked the openings on both ends of the bridge. The surrounding rock was now gone, buried beneath a skittering sea of red and thousands of unblinking, predatory eyes.
"No, no, no," said Vezon, shaking his head. "Too late to apologize. Much, much too late."
Brutaka pushed aside a pile of rubble and struggled to his feet. Around him, Spiriah and Roodaka were using shadow energy to blast themselves free. Vezon and Lariska were nowhere to be seen.
He glanced back toward the now blocked tunnel entrance. A few blasts of power would no doubt clear away the pile of rocks and stones, but Takadox would be long gone by now. There would be time to settle with him later.
"I've got him!"
Brutaka turned to see Lariska holding a squirming Vezon by the throat. "I caught him sneaking down a side tunnel," the Dark Hunter said.
"Let us track down that traitor," snarled Roodaka. "I want his shattered body beneath my heel."
"We're here to do a job," Brutaka replied. "We keep moving. All of us," he added, looking hard at Vezon.
The tunnel proved to be far more than a mere pathway. It opened upon a vast underground cavern spanned by a narrow bridge made of fibrous protodermis. Down below, the floor was littered with a massive tangle of what looked like dead branches intertwined with each other. Deep channels had been carved into the walls by lava flows over the centuries. Strange flying Rahi hung from the ceiling, their six eyes blinking slowly at the sight of intruders into their realm.
"Remind me not to let Makuta Krika arrange for my next pleasure trip," muttered Spiriah.
"This whole island is volcanic," said Brutaka. "Minor eruptions over the years, but nothing major. Tahu and Kopaka are supposed to have taken care of the problem. Otherwise, we would probably be flash fried by now."
"No Carapar, no Takadox," said Vezon in a sing-song voice. "Who will go next? Spiriah the Sullen? Brutaka the Boorish? Vezon the Vanquisher? Or Lariska --"
The Dark Hunter whipped out a dagger and flung it into the stone right at Vezon's feet. The mad half-Skakdi turned to her, smiling, and said, "Or Lariska, the wise, wonderful, and gloriously homicidal."
Brutaka led the way across the bridge. At the far side, light spilled through a narrow opening. The symbol of the Brotherhood of Makuta was seared into the stone beside that portal. Someone – maybe Krika, maybe Miserix – had marked their path, so long ago.
"What are we going to do with this legendary Makuta when we find him?" asked Roodaka. "What makes you think he will help the likes of you?"
"Miserix hates the Brotherhood for turning on him," Brutaka replied. "He would ally with three Matoran and an Ussal crab if it would get him revenge on his fellow Makuta."
"And so what will he be for you?" Roodaka pressed. "A general? A hero? A symbol around which to rally resistance to the Brotherhood?"
Brutaka shook his head. "Nothing quite so grand. He'll be a weapon, like a Rhotuka launcher or a ghost blaster. And we're going to aim him right at the Makuta fortress on Destral."
Roodaka smiled. "And who, might I ask... are 'we'?"
Brutaka smiled back, the grin of a Kavinika about to feast. "Now, now ... what you don't know won't cut you in two and dump you off this bridge."
"I hear something," said Lariska. "Up ahead... it might be a voice... or the rumble of the volcano."
"I hear something too," said Vezon.
"Shut up," replied Roodaka.
"And I see something as well," Vezon continued. "But since you aren't interested..."
"We're not," Roodaka snapped.
"Personally, I always find my comments and observations most interesting," Vezon rambled on. "You haven't truly lived until you have seen the world through the eyes of madness. Why, half the time I don't know if what I see is what's really there, or what I wish was there ... or what I pray, I beg, I plead is not."
"Why did we bring him again?" said Spiriah.
"He breaks up the monotony," said Lariska.
"I'd like to break something much more satisfying," hissed Roodaka. "I hear Skakdi make a most appealing sound when you snap them into pieces."
"But, since you seem to have no interest," Vezon continued, utterly disregarding his teammates' comments. "Well, then, I won't tell you that the floor is moving. You can find out on your own."
"The floor is...?" Brutaka repeated. He looked down. Far below, the tangled growth of dead branches had indeed begun to shift. The reason why rapidly became clear: they weren't branches at all, but the twisted limbs of thousands of crimson insects, now disentangling themselves from each other. Apparently, it was time to wake up and they were ready for their morning meal.
Swifter than anyone could have predicted, they began to swarm up the walls of the canyon on every side. In an instant, they had blocked the openings on both ends of the bridge. The surrounding rock was now gone, buried beneath a skittering sea of red and thousands of unblinking, predatory eyes.
"No, no, no," said Vezon, shaking his head. "Too late to apologize. Much, much too late."
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