Friday, June 20, 2008

Old News. But Who Cares?

As the title reads, this is old news.

Obviously, everyone already knows about the Bionicle Papercutz Comic Previews on

So far, there are five installments. Go to if you want to read comic previews.

Bionicle Summer Website Preview

From Binkmeister's blog on BZPower.

B Dot Com

Guess what I've been working on?

The only unfortunate point is, I have to have it done by Tuesday morning, and I have meetings all day Monday. So flashback to last December, when I worked 15 hour days to get the Phantoka update done. This isn't that bad, but still, working on weekends stinks.

At least the weather sucks too, so I'm not missing anything.

Clearly some of the things in the snapshot above are placeholders - and some aren't. I'll leave you to ponder which is which, and it's not as obvious as you'd think. You'll see the final version in a couple of weeks.


(There is a neat picture of it if you follow the link)

GregF's Blog Updation - Movie Info

Greg Farshtey has updated his blog:

Animation Test

I finally got to see the animation test for the new movie last week -- wow.

For whatever my opinion is worth, it blows away any character animation ever done for BIONICLE and speaks to a lot of things BZPers have said they wanted in a new movie. If the whole movie can look like that, we are going to have quite a film.

The latest news I have heard is that a lot of concept art is done, voice recording should be done soon, and the studio is straining at the leash to get started on the script for the 2010 movie.



The Mistika are Close...

Several members of the Bionicle fansite BZPower report that they have seen Lego Bionicle Mistika in storage boxes and the store Customer Services claim that they have them.

These signs, along with the fact that Bionicle products are always released early, combine to (hopefully) tell us that the Mistika are near.

Stores that BZPers claim have them:

Toys R Us

I usually get mine at the Lego Store first.