Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Kingdom - Part 1

I will type (by hand) the Bionicle Web Exclusive story, the Kingdom.

This is for some people that do not have the book. I recently read about a person on BZPower that could not buy the book. So, anyone can read it here.
This might take a while, since I am just typing it by hand, so I will do it in parts and at the end, I will post one with it all together. It is progressive.
There will be 10 parts at the most.

The Kingdom
By Greg Farshtey

Part 1

Takanuva, Toa of Light, fell through inter-dimensional space, trying hard not to scream. A moment before, he had stepped through a dimensional portal created by Brutaka. His mission: travel to Karda Nui and warn the six Toa Nuva there of a disaster about to occur.

Somehow, though, this trip was not going as planned. Takanuva was being buffeted about, catching glimpses now and then of weird other worlds filled with beings both familiar and unfamiliar. He could guess that if he somehow wound up in one of those places, he might never find his way back to his own universe.

Suddenly, there was a jolt worse than any before. He was spinning wildly, out of control. There was an instant of complete darkness, followed by a very bright light, and then Takanuva slammed onto a rocky shore. He lay there, stunned, for a long time. When he finally lifted his head, it was to view a sight he could never have imagined.

The city before him was vast. It made Metru Nui look like a collection of stone-cutter shacks. Multiple design styles had combined to create a megalopolis that stretched for as far as the eye could see. Some of the buildings looked like ones in Metru Nui – he recognized the Coliseum, for example – others were totally strange and some almost primitive.

Takanuva glanced up at the sky. No, it didn’t look like the one over Metru Nui. It looked – oh, no, that couldn’t be, he thought. It was the same shade of blue as the one over the island of Mata Nui.

That’s impossible, he said to himself. Everyone left Mata Nui to move back to Metru Nui months ago. And Mata Nui was never this size, or filled with so many beings and buildings!

He stood up and looked around. Everywhere, he could see Matoran of all kinds hard at work. That certainly wasn’t unusual. Of course, the fact that they were working side by side with Bohrok, Skakdi, and Visorak was downright shocking.

“Hey,” said a voice from behind him. “Who are you? Where did you come from?”

Takanuva turned. A Ga-Matoran, Macku, was there. She gave no sign of recognizing him.

“I’m Toa Takanuva,” he answered. “Can you tell me where I am?”

“You’re not Takanuva,” said Macku, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. “Try again…or would you rather we call the Hunters?”

“But I am Takanuva. I know I look different, but-“

“That’s for sure,” laughed Macku. “You’re a lot taller. Or have you never seen Turaga Takanuva, stranger?”

“Turaga-?” sputtered Takanuva. He recovered quickly. “Um, maybe I was a little confused. Tell me, do you know where I could find Jaller?”

“At the Great Furnace, naturally,” said Macku, suspicion in her voice. “What do you want him for?”

“I have, um, a message for him from an old friend,” Takanuva replied.


Also, you can head over to here:

or here:

Release Dates and More...

July 11 is the set release date on Lego Shop at Home for the vehicles Rockoh T3, Vultraz, and Axalara T9. (will ship by July 11)

July 24 is the set release date on Lego Shop at Home for the canisters Onua Nuva, Tahu Nuva, Gali Nuva, Bitil, Krika, and Gorast. (will ship by July 24)

Takanuva is on the store (Warriors section of the Bionicle Theme)
but has no labeled release date.
Mazeka and Jetrax are not even on the website.

How to access the Mistika on Shop at Home:

It seems that they are not listed. However, you can find them by doing one of the two lists below.

1. Go to one of the earlier posts of this blog (Mistika on Shop at Home) and copy and paste the links that I copied down.

2. Go to
From there, look for the Search button on the top with the space to type something in.
Next, type "Mistika" in that space.

Now, you will come to a page that has General Results and Best Match.

You can either click on Best Match (Mistika Collection) and see the vehicles but not the canisters, individually.

I recommend clicking on the left one, General Results. Click on the top result

(Products Launched in 2008 | What's New | LEGO Shop
...BIONICLE® Mistika Collection Price USD 72.99 Preorder this item...)

Now you can select the specific Mistika that you want to view.

Swamp Strider

is the name of Mazeka's vehicle. Found in Bionicle Legends#10: Swamp of Secrets.

was being tinkered with by Order of Mata Nui Leader, first Toa of Water, Helryx.
(I can openly post spoilers now)

And, just if anyone's interested, Vultraz pilots the skyfighter.

Favorite Bionicle

Okay, I am not posting a list like I did last time. Just go to the Comments section, type in your answer, and be done with it.

...(I bet that this isn't gonna work out)...

I like Lesovikk.

Favorite Mistika

your choices...

8688 Gali Nuva
8689 Tahu Nuva
8690 Onua Nuva
8694 Krika
8695 Gorast
8696 Bitil
8698 Vultraz
8699 Takanuva
8941 Rockoh T3
8942 Jetrax T6
8943 Axalara T9
8954 Mazeka

Go on over to the Comments section and vote!